





1 求解非线性发展方程的计算机代数方法研究 斯仁道尔吉、套格图桑、扎其劳 2010年获自治区自然科学奖一等奖
2 Banach几何空间理论与应用 苏雅拉图 2001年获自治区科技进步二等奖
3 准晶弹性的复变方法与非线性方程的显式解 刘官厅、范天佑、郭瑞平 2009年获自治区自然科学奖三等奖
4 孤子方程的解与有限维可积系 斯仁道尔吉 2005年获自治区科技进步三等奖
5 数学教学方法、手段及考评内容和方法的改革研究与实践 斯钦孟克 2004获自治区优秀教学成果二等奖
6 准晶弹性的复变方法与非线性方程的显示解 刘官厅 2005,内蒙古人民出版社
7 复杂相似控制系统的结构分析与鲁棒控制器设计 王银河 2001,内蒙古人民出版社
8 带有时滞的微分不等式与微分方程 斯力更 2001,内蒙古人民出版社
9 内插空间理论及其应用 孟伯秦、刘官厅 2001,内蒙古人民出版社
10 点群10mm十次对称二维准晶格弹性的复变解法与孔口问题 刘官厅 2003,中国科学 E SCI ( 698FD )

11 k-super-strongly convex and k-super-strongly smooth Banach spaces 苏雅拉图 2004,J.Math.Anal.Appl.SCI(840QU)

12 A generalized coupled Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy,
bi-Hamiltonian structure, and Darboux transformation
扎其劳(1) 2010,J.Math.Phys.SCI(000280854500028)

13 Weighted Poincare inequalities on one-dimensional on bounded domains 王万义 2003,Appl.Math.Lett.SCI(738WG)

14 Complex variable method for plane elasticity of icosahedral
quasicrystals and elliptic notch problem
李联和(1) 2008,Sci.in China G,SCI(316QW)

15 Computing the indices of Sturm–Liouville eigenvalues for
coupled boundary conditions(the EIGENIND-SLP codes)
王桂霞(1) 2008,J.Comput.Math.Appl. Math.SCI(000258636800040)

16 N-soliton solutions of the KdV6 and mKdV6 equations 扎其劳(1) 2010,J.Math.Phys. SCI(000285679700022)

17 A direct method for solving sine-Gordon type equations 斯仁道尔吉 2002,Phys.Lett.A SCI(562VP)

18 Governing equations and general solutions of one-dimensional quasicrystals 刘官厅 2004,Inter.J.Solid Strc. SCI(828BM)

19 Qualitative behavior of nonlinear second order differential system with distributed delay 包俊东 2002,Dyn.Contr.Dis.Impul.Sys.SCI(823FX)

20 Complex variable function method for the plane elasticity
and the dislocation problem of quasicrystals with point group 10 mm
李联和(1) 2008,Phys.Lett. A,SCI(257YI)

21 Volterra差分微分方程和KdV差分微分方程新的精确解 套格图桑(1) 2009,物理学报,SCI(498QE)

22 Darboux transformation and multi-soliton solutions for some soliton equations 扎其劳(1) 2009,Chaos,Solitons and Fractals,SCI(000267379700014)

23 Lame equation and asymptotic higher-order periodic solutions to nonlinear evolution equations 刘官厅(1) 2009,Appl.Math.Comput.SCI(265938300005)

24 Darboux transformation and multi-soliton solutions for some
(2 + 1)-dimensional nonlinear equations
扎其劳(1) 2010,Phys. Script,SCI(000281537200002)

25 Complex variable method for the plane elasticity of quasicrystals with point group 10 李联和(1) 2008,Inter.J.Mod.Phys.B,SCI(000261633800007)